The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2018/19 on Tuesday, June 5.
- $5.9 million to implement the Drug Medi-Cal Waiver that will provide enhanced drug treatment services to the community.
- $4 million to develop and implement a program that provides trauma-informed mental health services and support for foster youth, with a focus on placement stability for foster youth and their families.
- $24.2 million to continue to implement the Board-approved three-year MHSA (Mental Health Services Act) to expedite mental health services for individuals with serious mental illness and/or co-occurring substance abuse disorders and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
- $4.7 million to provide contract and rate increases for mental health service providers to ensure provider stability and uninterrupted services for patients.
- Initiatives to address homelessness, such as Rapid Rehousing, the winter shelter program, improving family crisis response and shelters, preserving the Mather Community Campus, establishing a full-service rehousing shelter and implementing a flexible supportive rehousing program.
- The Parkways and Unincorporated Communities Clean-up and Safety Initiative to reduce the incidence and mitigate the impact of illegal camping in the County’s parkways and unincorporated communities.
- The intelligence-led policing model being implemented by the Sheriff’s Department.
- The Healthy Partners Program that provides healthcare services to undocumented immigrants, increasing the enrollment cap from 3,000 to 4,000 and eliminating the upper age limit of 64 years.
- A strategic plan to reduce disproportionate African-American child deaths through community-based contracts and targeted staffing in Child Protective Services, Public Health and Probation.
- Implementation of an Adult Supervision Model in Probation that will prioritize supervision and services for high-risk probationers in the first six months to a year of probation.
- Implementation of the Sheriff’s ShotSpotter Initiative, that uses acoustic surveillance technology to identify and respond to illegal gunfire incidents in selected geographic areas in real time.
- Animal Care Initiatives focused on improving animal care, increased spay/neuter services and increasing the Bradshaw Shelter’s live release rate.
- Efforts to reduce fire danger and illegal camping, increase debris removal and enhance the visitor experience in the American River Parkway and the County’s Regional Parks.