A few local news items while we have a break in the weather.
- At last night’s RLECWD board meeting, the new district took a few steps toward steering the district to the right path. The BOD fired the GM, Joeseph Sherrill, on general cause. Now, the search can begin for a qualified GM… possibly Mychael Cardenas, whom LAFCO strongly urged the previous board to re-hire.Cathy Nelson- Hood stated she would do everything in her power to bankrupt the district. She said this in public session. Hood has done plenty to demonstrate why she’s quickly becoming the district’s biggest roadblock to success. Legal avenues should be discussed for removing her from the position.
When contacted via email, Hood said “John, The district is already Bankrupt. I see no way out of the troubling situation but to file for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy.”
I was VERY pleased with how Board President Courtney Caron conducted the meeting last night, keeping the verbal sparring to a minimum.
I was equally disappointed (yet not surprised) that Johnson generally ignored her and continued to prove that she’s hostile, uncooperative and has some sort of entitlement issue. At one point, Johnson refused to disclose the name of people or agencies she’s been working with on district financing. The conflict between Vivien and Frank Caron was particularly obvious.
I understand the meeting went on until nearly 2:30am. Kudos to the board for staying on until something was actually accomplished.
- Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has released his 2010 “Wastebook” detailing wasteful government spending across the country. # 18 on this year’s list is the Gibson Ranch ranch house grant. This grant provides $440,000 of federal money to purchase Green Energy upgrades to the ranch house. Unfortunately, the ranch house has been unused for a decade, and the park has been closed this year due to county parks budget cutbacks. See the Wastebook at the senator’s website: http://coburn.senate.gov