This was faster than normal, very sedate meeting, as far as Rio Linda meetings go. However, many interesting things were said. You can listen to the recording (as much as I got) below.
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- CHP has been doing more speed control on Elkhorn Blvd. They were out the last two Thursdays in a row shooting speed near the big church near 20th and 22nd.
- Been patrolling Rio Linda Boulevard south of Elkhorn. The highest speed he’s nailed was 70 mph. Pretty sure that’s a 45 mph zone.
- Stop signs: Everywhere in the County, people blow stop signs and people speed. They are trying to address those things. Right now there’s only four officers to handle North Sacramento. They just don’t have enough bodies.
- Stolen vehicles: Not seeing many stolen in the area, but they like to dump theme here. Hondas and Acuras were singled out.
- Fatal hit-and-runs: One arrest made, a tip was called in and they served a warrant off of Q Street.
- Sergeant Rivers has been the new POP officer for our area since January. Been with CHP for 21 years.
- Responded to a call about quads racing. They located them, and they evaded the officers by driving the wrong way on Elkhorn Blvd. They won’t risk an officer in that situation.
- They got about 40 calls last month for speeding, reckless driving, etc. They responded to about a third of them.
- During the day, they only have 10 officers working the entire North Sacramento area. 50,000 calls per year, busiest office in California.
- Says their real problem is that they just can’t hire enough officers.
- They really appreciate when people make contact with them in the field. They enjoy water and cookies.
Fulton El Camino Park Police
- They did a “saturation” last week, The caught two motorcycles on the bike trail, one child, one adult, they impounded one of the motorcycles.
Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department
- Transient Enforcement Detail arrested four people on the parkway, and two more at the Elverta Road & 28th Street bridge for being unregistered sexual offenders. They made 50 arrests for warrants on the entire Dry Creek Parkway and American River Parkway.
- Sacramento County Park Rangers have primary responsibility for issues on the parkway, but the Sheriff’s Dept. help them out very often.
- Illegal dumping was discussed. Issue was referred to 311. Also, send email to if you have specific information about suspects.
- Community DA Ron Linthicum noted that the Sheriff’s Department DOES have access to portable remote camera systems.
- An Antelope off-duty officer has been travelling our area to help as eyes and ears in the community.
- “Don’t let yourself be a victim!” Lock everything up!
- If you spot a homeless camp, contact the Transient Enforcement Detail at If you leave a phone number, they will call you back.
- 7-11 is having problems with theft from people living in the Elkhorn Apartments. The apartments are owned by the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency. Our POP officer has been spending more time in the area.
- It was noted that they spent almost 6 hours on the day of the meeting in and around Rio Linda. Remember this for later, also.
- Straugh Road, auto dismantlers (?) are moving back into the yards, and there’s one location where many people are living in non-functional trailers and motorhomes.
- There’s another location on West 6th Street where people are living in trailers on the property.
- Bait-bicycle program was discussed. “That’s something I’ll have to talk to my supervisor about, and they’ll talk to their supervisor about. Definitely send us an email about that. Speak with me after the meeting about that.”
- New programs at the DA’s office: Chronic Nuisance Offender program working closely with POP officers and Transient Enforcement Detail, they’ve found small numbers of criminal commit petty crimes repetitively, so they are working towards being able to keep these offenders instead of having them in and out of jail constantly. They’ve had success with “stay away” orders. Serial Inebriate Program will get drunk guy off the streets for a good amount of time.
Supervisor MacGlashan
- Talked about the new streetlights going up on the East end of M Street.
- Talked about the Lion’s “Welcome to Rio Linda” sign.
- Talked about the community clean-up day.
- Introduced Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, who’s talk was very interesting. However, the battery on my iPhone bit the dust and I did not capture the entire thing.
The next CASA meeting will be held Monday, September 5th.