We had a great turnout of concerned citizens as the first semi-monthly CASA meeting for 2016 which took place this past week. I’ve outlined the high points of the discussion below and I’ve included the audio recording as well.
CHP started off discussing the hit and run deaths we’ve had in Rio Linda, primarily the most recent event in front of the New Life Christian Center on Elkhorn and 20th street, Samuel Melgoza, 30, of North Highlands. Authorities said they are looking for a 1990’s model Ford Ranger pickup truck with a gray grille that is likely damaged.
- Any changes to the lighting, the configuration of the road, the traffic lights and signs on Elkhorn Blvd. are handled by Sacramento County Department of Transportation and the community will have to lobby and push for changes to make Elkhorn safe for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Deputy Tom Mantei of the North Area Transient Enforcement team spoke about the transients/homeless in the area. He mentioned that “Walter”, who has become a common sight in the area or the archway, has plenty of resources and community members who feed him and his dog are only “enabling his behavior”. It was said that he’s a nice guy, and harmless, but his choice of camping locations (almost -on- the roadways) is a problem for many in the community, and they are working many angles to get him the help he obviously needs, and to get him off the streets.
The apparently abandoned RV at MarVal Plaza was discussed. It has been tagged and is being dealt with. As of today, Saturday 1/9/15, it’s still there.
- If you don’t call, they don’t know, and most people aren’t calling when they should be.
- If you call 911 on a cell phone, you’re getting the State’s CHP communication center, not the Sheriff. So when you say “That guy on M Street is being a jackass again” they honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. To reach the Sheriff’s Communication Center on a cell phone, call (916) 874-5115. Program it into your phone!
- The Sheriff has busted over 20 grow ops in RL in the last month
- If you want an officer to come out, demand an officer- it’s your right. If you want a supervisor, ask to have him call you. It’s your right!
Here is the audio from the meeting. Please keep in mind, I was in the back of the room and I didn’t catch the first part with the CHP, and I left in the middle of Supervisor MacGlashan’s portion to have individual discussions with law enforcement.