December 14th is exactly 14 days away, and it’s nearly time for the 4th annual Rio Linda Elverta Christmas Light Parade. Here’s everything you need to know.
The 4th annual Rio Linda Elverta Christmas Light Parade is taking place Saturday, December 14th at 6pm. The parade begins at the corner of West 2nd and M Street, and continues appx. one mile east on M Street to Oak Lane.

The parade will take place rain or shine. Roads around the parade route will be closed beginning at 4pm.
Parade entries may be registered at http://RioLindaChristmasParade.com. Applications must be received no later than Mon. Dec. 9, 2019. There is a nominal parade entry fee of $20 which primarily helps to cover the cost of traffic control and other expenses.

Cash Prizes: For the first time this year, cash prizes are being awarded for the best-decorated entries as decided upon by our judges. First place will receive $250. Second place will receive $150, and Third will receive $100. The parade awards are sponsored by Ashton & Price, and River Ridge Realty will be providing the award plaques.
Home & Business Christmas Decoration Contest: If you live along the parade route or have a business along the parade route make sure you decorate your home or business. This year we are giving each winner, one home and one commercial entry, a $100 cash prize. This award is sponsored by the Rio Linda Elverta Country Faire.

Tree Lighting: The tree lighting, which has taken place after the parade in previous years, will now happen BEFORE the parade. This will give everyone around the judge’s stand at M Street and Front Street, as well as the participants of the parade, to enjoy the lighting ceremony and see the tree lit during the parade.
TWO Announcers, TWO locations: This year, we have added an announcer at Rio Linda Blvd and M Street to announce the parade entries, play Christmas music, and serve as our west end parade host. As usual, we will have an announcer at Depot Park as well. Sacramento’s official Christmas Music Station, Mix96, will be joining us at Depot Park to provide our holiday soundtrack and provide some fun giveaways.

Road Closures: As permitted by Sacramento County, Road closures will begin at 4pm. M Street will be CLOSED from West 4th Street to Oak Lane for the duration of the event. Oak Lane will be closed at Curved Bridge Road for the duration of the event. ALL ROADS connecting to M Street WILL BE CLOSED at 4pm for the duration of the event.
This includes Rio Linda Boulevard at the Archway.
All roads will be barricaded beginning at 4pm, and traffic will be controlled by the Twin Rivers Police Dept and the Sacramento Valley Equestrian Patrol. PLEASE use alternate routes to get north and south of M Street after 4pm on December 14th.
Dry Creek Road, West 4th and West 6th will be available to get you to Q and U Streets on the north side of the closures. Please use Elkhorn Blvd to access areas south of M Street.
More trash cans will be available along the parade route, but please help us out and show some of that Knight pride; Please police your area, and encourage others to do the same. Let’s keep Rio Linda litter-free. Don’t let litter become the problem we can’t overcome, which kills the event. This is a special event in a special place. Let’s all do a little bit to keep it that way.
For more information, or to be a participant, please visit http://RioLindaChristmasParade.com or call Tabitha Worth – 916-910-4900 or John Todd – 916-289-6436.