SMUD anticipates no problems serving customer demand

The Sacramento region is expecting another heat wave, with temperatures forecasted to be well above 100 degrees through the Labor Day weekend. SMUD has enough power resources to meet demand, barring a regional or state grid emergency. SMUD also has additional crews available to quickly restore power in the event of unplanned power outages.
High temperatures, especially over consecutive days, can drive increased air-conditioning needs, which can result in higher customer usage and energy bills. Heat wave weather can also stress the electric grid.
While SMUD does not anticipate any problems serving load this weekend, SMUD is asking customers to limit the use of household appliances and raise thermostats to 80 degrees during the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. this holiday weekend. Also, limiting the use of both hot water and cold water helps our whole community reduce demand for electricity needed for pumping, processing and delivery.

SMUD offers tips on its website to help customers keep energy use in check and save money without giving up cooling comfort. The first step is keeping your home from heating up, which can reduce immediate cooling costs and help save on long-term costs from wear and tear on cooling equipment. Also:
- Use fans and close blinds on windows that get direct sun.
- Swap out light bulbs for LEDs.
- Use a programmable/smart thermostat to help control HVAC.
- Customers can also get customized tips, manage their bills, and set up alerts on the website.
- Turning the temperature up just 2 degrees can save 5-10% on cooling costs.
In the event of an unplanned outage, customers can report and track restoration times at