The Department of Regional Parks is in the process of updating its Fee Schedule, which establishes fees for park entry and facility use and describes fee policies. A draft of the updated Fee Schedule can be found on the Regional Parks website.
“We last updated our Fee Schedule in 2022 with an understanding that we would need to adjust it again within the next couple of years,” said Liz Bellas, Director of Regional Parks. “We update our Fee Schedule intermittently to: Adjust fees for inflation; ensure fees cover costs of services provided; standardize fees with similar facilities and services; and raise needed revenues to offset department maintenance and operations costs.”
The public is invited to comment on the proposed Fee Schedule by emailing parksinfo@saccounty.gov. Public comments will be accepted through Oct. 15, 2023.
Some notable changes to the Fee Schedule include:
- Increases daily use fees and annual pass fees
- Increases youth camping fee and Sherman Island camping fee
- Addition of fee for use of Gibson Ranch Cabin lawn area
- Increases amplified sound and bounce house permits fees
- Addition of Sailing/Kiteboarding/Windsurfing Instruction Fee
- Addition of Film Permit Fee
- Increases open trail use fee (no change to closed trail fee)
- Additional deposit required for tournaments at Cherry Island Sports Complex
- Decreases tournament rental fees at Cherry Island Sports Complex for league, club, team or nonprofit groups
- Increases tournament rental fees at Cherry Island Sports Complex for profit, business or tournament operators
- Addition of vendor fees for non-County contracted vendors at Cherry Island Sports Complex
- Increases Habitat Restoration Program Fees, consistent with the Consumer Price Index increase for construction costs
After the public review period, the Fee Schedule will be presented for public comment to the American River Parkway Advisory Committee, the Dry Creek Parkway Advisory Committee and the Recreation and Park Commission.
It is expected that the final draft of the Fee Schedule will be brought to the Board of Supervisors for approval at the end of this year.