First and foremost, this is not a slight on Sue Frost, Sue Frost is just one member, one vote of a group of five County Supervisors.
The panhandle and the RLEPD was decided a long time ago, before Sue Frost was even the RLE Supervisor. If RLE had been incorporated the City could not have done a land grab. What is to stop the City from going after other property that is currently in the RLE Master Plan.
The time to incorporate is now!! I realize there are lot of mixed feelings, but this is what I see and hear:
- I like the way it is- as long as RLE is governed by the Board of Supervisors, the people of RLE do not have an option, if we were incorporated, we have the option to keep it the way it is
- I don’t want a Dollar General – as long as RLE is governed by the Board of Supervisors, the people of RLE do not have an option, if we were incorporated, we have the option to say what businesses can come into the RLE community and solicit businesses that RLE would like to see here.
- There are potholes on my street – RLE is at the mercy of the County to get the potholes fixed, wouldn’t it be nice if the people of RLE could contact someone within the RLE Government and the pothole is fixed.
- There is too much Government already – okay can’t fight that one, but wouldn’t we prefer a Government that looks out for the people, businesses, and land of the RLE area, and that is there sole objective.
- Want to extend the bike trail – RLE is at the mercy of the County, we would not have to jump through as many hoops if we were governed by our own people.
- Too much crime – RLE is at the mercy of the County Sheriff’s Department, the County Sheriff’s Department covers a lot of area and they can not be everywhere at once.
- Car Side Shows – RLE is at the mercy of the County Sheriff Department and the California Highway Patrol. I would rather have response within five minutes and not two hours if that.
- We have our own Sheriff Department in Rio Linda – Yes, it is a walk-in office that closes its doors at five during the week and closed on the weekend, how does that truly help?
- Homeless – We are governed by the County, our hands are tied. Wouldn’t it be nice if our own Government could come up with a plan?
- I am sure there is something I may have forgotten, but wouldn’t it be great if we could take care of it instead of being at the mercy of someone else.
With the incorporation of the RLE areas, not everything will be fixed at once, it will take time and money.
There it is the big MONEY word – Where does the money come from to fix the issues within our Community, when is the last time you have looked at your property tax bill. On your property tax bill you will see a portion of it goes to the County (for improvements and services), the money that goes to the County would come straight to the incorporated RLE Government. I am not sure if all of it would, but I would rather see my property tax come into our own community instead of the County. The RLE Government CAN NOT raise taxes without a vote.
Walter Plinge