News10 posted an update on the Lynn Countryman story.
Sacramento County Animal Control has been investigating Countryman who owns the property at 16th and E Street.
Countryman responded to complaints that she’s been neglecting the animals;
“That’s not true. Every time animal control has been out there, there has been feed in the feeder.”
Countryman said she takes in horses, cares for them, “fattens them” up and then sells them.
Volunteer Diane Caldwell said “In two weeks, five horses lost their life. One died on its own, four of them had to be put down because they were critically ill.”
On April 15, the Sacramento County Animal Control wrote up citations for the conditions of seven horses on Countryman’s property, according to the Sacramento Bee. Animal Control said Countryman has fully cooperated with the agency and reduced the number of horses on her property. But, their investigation continues into the deaths of the horses on Countryman’s property.
“She is a 3-time convicted animal abuser. In Oregon, we talked to the DA. She’s not allowed to have any animals,” Caldwell said. “I want the animals taken away from her. How many more have to die before “A.C.” does anything?”
Countryman disputes that claim.
“That’s not true, that’s slanderous. The people talking too haven’t been to my property.”