Rio Linda Online, Inc. is a company registered in Sacramento County, California, USA.

Our full registered business address is 914 Oak Ln #3, Rio Linda, CA 95673. Our phone number is 916-289-6436.
Our mailing address is 914 Oak Ln #3, Rio Linda, CA 95673.
Rio Linda Online is fully owned by John and ViAnn Todd, a partnership.
The Publisher of the Rio Linda Online is ViAnn Todd.
We utilize several advertising providers for display ads throughout our website and on Facebook.
We also receive tips and donations from our readers and have introduced a subscription plan through Patreon.
We are under no obligation to accept all donations, and if we feel that, at any time, such a donation would compromise our work or integrity, we have a right to refuse it.
We also have an online shop that sells a variety of products. The profits from this are reinvested in our news organization.
Updated 02/2025