Today I was sent a series of highly confidential communications by an anonymous tipster.
It’s my understanding that Cathy Nelson-Hood is currently working on her memoirs for later publication. This collection should be part of it.
On October 19th, 2010, freshly minted board president Cathy Nelson-Hood sent this email to 37 other recipients including, but not limited to, representatives from several other water districts; the cities of Sacramento, West Sacramento, Folsom, Roseville, and Lincoln; Placer County Water; Sacramento Sewer District and several individuals. The CCs have been removed to protect those recipients privacy.
It’s primarily addressed to John Woodling, a Regional Water Authority Executive.
From: Cathy Nelson-Hood
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 11:43 AM
To: John Woodling
Subject: From RLECWD Board of Directors President
John, I wanted to let you know that we have had several changes in the last few days with our leadership at te district.. We are in desperate need of a permanent GM.
Mychael Cardenas no longer works for the district.
There are three seats of our board open for the November election. We are hoping to retain at least one board seat to continue our goals of completing 3 wells and getting rid of the CDPH compliance order. If you know anyone that we could borrow until election and hopefully after please call me. If we lose the election the candidates state that they will hire Mychael Cardenas back. The termination of Mychael Cardenas was not planned. He pretty much challenged us to fire him. My opinion, a political ploy from the Teamsters. Our attorney is in charge while there is no GM and we cannot afford to pay an attorney.
The other change is that we removed Mary Harris as board President. We could no longer do business with her at the helm as she kept too many secrets and manipulated every move the board made. Violated brown act rules, disclosed many closed session items, etc.
Cathy Nelson-Hood
Board of Directors: President
Rio Linda/Elverta Community
Water District
730 L St
Rio Linda, Ca. 95673
Acting GM Ravi Mehta
1215 K Street, 17th Floor
Sacramento, California 95814
Mobile: (916) 718-4877
Office: (916) 486-1955
Facsimile: (916) 485-2509
In one fell swoop, she throws Cardenas, Harris, the Teamsters union and her own attorney Ravi Mehta under the bus full of nearly 30 Sacramento area water agencies and associations.
If Harris was so blatantly violating the Brown Act and disclosing closed session items, why wasn’t she censured or removed long before the beginning of October? Why did this board wait to act?
Stay tuned… More information could be released in the future.