From Charlea Moore:
Congratulations! By all accounts this year was the biggest and best ever! You all did it!!! Your hard work, hours and hours of work and the sacrifices you each made paid off once again.
This is the most impressive volunteer group anywhere!!! For 4 years in a row the RLE Country Faire has been the premier event in the community. It gets bigger and better every year. I haven’t gotten a crowd estimate yet from the Sheriff but I’m guessing we easily had 3,000+ in attendance.
Jimboy’s Tacos, Clamalicious, the Moose Lodge and Parks & Rec. all sold OUT!!! Tummy’s soft opening had them going out to buy more bread and lunch meat. Matt’s Ice Creations already is asking for his same spot for next year!
We had to change the wrap-up meeting from Monday Sept. 26 to Monday October 3, 2016 because of other meeting conflicts.
This meeting will decide next year’s date and will do some very preliminary planning. This is also the meeting to bring your suggestions, ideas, and solutions for challenges and issues that you encountered or heard about.
The public is invited and welcome but we will not allow any blaming or finger pointing. Only solutions, positive comments and ideas. We learn every year from our mistakes and this year is no different. But it must be acknowledged that every single person worked their hardest and did their best. We will correct where we need to and change what needs to change and we will always move forward.
We will also celebrate with cake and ice cream so bring your appetite to this meeting.
See you all on October 3, 2016 at the Calvary Lutheran Church at 5th and L St. in Rio Linda at 6:30 p.m.